4x4RNE Mission Statement

4x4 Response North East exists to preserve and protect life and property, in particular but not exclusively, by providing equipment, vehicles, personnel and other resources in support of and alongside recognised service users and partners during adverse weather events, major incidents and other circumstances when called upon by them to serve the community of the North East of England

4X4 RNE Values

Our purpose is to help the emergency services and affiliated bodies combined with our values which show through as a dependable, trustworthy and hardworking volunteer group.


Years of experience, responding and co-ordinating


Shaun Reed

Chairman and Responder

I joined the volunteers at 4x4RNE in 2009 and since then have been an active member using a number of different vehicles I’ve owned in that time. I was asked if I’d stand for one of the officer roles which I duly did. The membership then voted me in as Vice Chair to work alongside our Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. In December 2019 I took on the role of Acting Chair until the AGM in 2020 where I was voted in as the Chair for 4x4rne.  
Being a member of the response is rewarding for me been able help people and to give something back to the local community and further afield when requested by other neighboring groups. 


Paul Ellison MBE

Vice Chairman and Responder

I joined 4 x 4 Response in 2019 after talking to some members at an event near home.

I attended one of the meetings and had an opportunity to speak to other members of the group and decided that this would be a worthwhile volunteering opportunity.

Once I had joined and gone through the training required, I was then able to attend incidents as a Responder.

I am a keen Land Rover enthusiast and spend time away travelling both in the UK and abroad with my wife Tracy in our Landy. We are both also involved in another Land Rover Charity group.





Tracy Ellison

Secretary and Responder


Gavin Duffy




David Walton

Media Lead and Responder


Grant Clark

Training Lead and Responder

I joined the group in 2020 after being introduced by a friend and sharing a common interest in offroading and greenlaning. After attending a monthly members meeting I decided to join the organisation in the hopes of providing a service during adverse weather events to the wider community.

Outside of 4x4RNE I work as a safety professional for large pharmaceutical company and have done for the last 4 years, previously I worked at sea carrying out geotechnical ground investigations for the renewable sector and bomb clearance in the English channel. Because of this I felt I had alot of transferable skills I could bring to group.


Richie Hauxwell

Training Lead and Responder


Bailey Young

Stores Lead and Responder


David Anthony

Membership Lead, Co-ordinator and Responder

I joined the group in 2011 after seeing another vehicle displaying the logo and finding out about the group. The first role other than responder that I formally took on was one of the coordinator roles. Since then I volunteered to take on the membership role in 2020.

4x4RNE is not the only voluntary activity I take part in but it is one that brings a lot of good times. Attending events, marshaling, meeting the members, helping local communities and so much more.