Become a member
Full membership to 4x4RNE is available to any adult over the age 18 who has access to a fully insured and road legal 4x4 vehicle. This vehicle must be a conventional on/off road type. They can be modified but must be road legal and tested.
Full members have the right to vote at business meetings in person.
The membership in the full has the right to terminate or reduce any membership to 4x4RNE if they feel that the member is likely to disrupt the smooth running of the group or acts in a way that could jeopardise the safety of other members.
The current full membership fee payable on joining is £20.00 per annum.
Become an associate
Associate memberships of 4x4RNE are available to persons over the age of 16 who have an interest in what 4x4RNE stands for.
Associate members can help at 4x4RNE events and can attend meetings.
Associate members cannot vote and cannot hold officer roles.
The membership in full has the right to terminate any associate membership to 4x4RNE if they feel that the member is likely to disrupt the smooth running of the group or acts in a way that could jeopardise the safety of the members.
The current associate membership fee payable on joining is £10.00 per annum
Join Us!
If you are interested in joining please contact the Membership Secretary
4x4 Response North East
C/O Tynemouth and District Motor Club
Billy Mill Ln,
North Shields
NE29 8LP
07557 116 323